A place where I show and occasionally review my aircraft models and other stuff.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

1/144 CafeReo H6K Mavis

The Kawanishi H6K is a multi-engine flying boat which saw service with the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II for maritime patrol missions. The Allied codename for the aircraft was “Mavis”. The official IJN designation was Type 97 Large Flying Boat.

The model you see below is a 1/144 scale partially built pre-painted kit (aka. shokugan or food toy) from the maker, CafeReo. However, I have re-painted all of the green color with ModelMaster’s IJN Green as the green paint color that originally came in the package was not to my liking. A coating of Dullcote was also applied.

As with most CafeReo kits, a bit of glue is require here and there to keep things in place. This kit was particularly more finicky than most other CafeReo kits due to the number of struts that needed to be glued in. The fit of the struts are not precise and I recommend that one drill or open up the fit points a tad to make the buildup easier.

I probably should have filled in the join-line gaps of the wing but eh, it wasn’t something that bothered me so I just left it as is. :P

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